Monday, September 27, 2010

Bite me

Exercise.  I get it.  It is next to impossible to lose a significant amount of weight, or to keep it off, if exercise isn't part of your daily life. Period.  And I even like it.  I'm not talking about the donning a lycra suit and making macho with the hard bodies at Gold's Gym kind of exercise.  I mean walking at a determined pace, or dancing my #ss off to some 80's tunes.  A 2 mile walk to the 7/11 with my kiddo (sugar free Slurpees?  Come on!) is the most fun EVER. The things that a 7 year old will say, notice, try out while walking are infinitely varied and amusing. And I still work up a sweat climbing our neighborhood hills.

I completely get it when Michelle, our group leader, and supposed diet Nazi, makes assignments that are designed to push us out of our comfort zones. "Include 10 minutes of an activity  you have never tried before." "Do something outside instead of indoors - or vice versa." These mandates are meant to assist we the round in embracing movement as a part of life.  Hurray for new things!

HOWEVER. The assignment this week is to get up early to exercise.  Great!  I already get up at 5:15am every weekday to participate in "Walk Club" with my daughter at her school before class. And when asked to share my plan for incorporating early rising into my life? I lay out this fact for the group members, who nod appreciatively. Right up to the moment Michelle asks, "So what are you going to do this weekend to meet the assignment?" Um...SLEEP THE F**K IN? Roll over on my pillow and thank the Supreme Being that I can remain in bed until my kiddo wakes me at the luxurious hour of 7am? What do you THINK I am going to do - given the fact that I get up before some farmers every other day of the freaking week?

It would seem, from the audible gasps, and looks of veiled shock that a rejoinder to your group leader consisting of the words "Bite me!" is not considered an appropriate response. Good to know.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up (saw your blog "advert" on Facebook). I remember feeling the same exact way each week in my diet classes when the exercise challenge for the week was given.

    I am not one who loves exerting oneself out of doors - or indoors really for that that matter. So getting up extra early to work out, doing a DOUBLE dose on the weekends, etc. was not something I considered practical incentive to help me work out on a regular basis ... and was usually met with a "Oh, H**L no!"

    Reading your post actually is a little motivating to me ... that reminder from back in the day. I've been slacking and have hated watching the pounds creeping back on = more "incentive" to eat crap = wearing my stretchiest clothes = shopping for bigger clothes. Crap.

    Hang in there ... I loved the med diet as it was so much easier than trying to plan decent meals with food! If it wasn't so costly, I'd be on a version of it for life!

